In a series of statements made on X (formerly Twitter), Marc van der Chijs, the...
Data shows the Bitcoin sentiment has now reached extreme greed levels higher than even those...
“Let him cook” has been the expression that all of the young whippersnappers are using...
In a momentous surge, Bitcoin has officially smashed through its previous all-time high, surpassing the...
In a monumental milestone for the world’s leading cryptocurrency, the Bitcoin price has skyrocketed to...
Inflows into crypto investment products have ballooned in the past few weeks to reach a...
Bitcoin continues to maintain its momentum toward the upward trajectory, touching the $68,000 price mark...
The Shiba Inu price is going absolutely parabolic these days. Within the last 9 days,...
Dogecoin is up over 100% against the US Dollar. DOGE rallied toward the $0.20 resistance...
On Monday, a flood of capital brought Bitcoin within striking distance of record values, sending...
Ethereum price is pumping above the $3,550 resistance. ETH is following Bitcoin and might soon...
Bitcoin price is up over 8% and trading above the $67,500 resistance. BTC is eyeing...
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